Welcome Home

What is Welcome Home?

Welcome Home at Community Bible Church is more than just a dinner; it's an invitation to join a vibrant church family and learn how to connect to ministries and learn more about CBC.

Throughout the evening, you will have the chance to engage in a Q&A session where you can ask questions, and gain insights from the pastoral staff. These leaders, who embody the church's vision and values, offer firsthand knowledge and advice, helping newcomers find their place within the CBC family.

Moreover, Welcome Home serves as a gateway to deeper involvement in CBC. For those who feel called to make a more significant commitment, becoming a member of the church is a natural next step. Through the event, attendees can learn about the process of membership and where you can contribute your talents through our many volunteer opportunities. CBC offers a lot but the one thing we could be missing is YOU!

Frequently Asked Questions about Welcome Home

There will be several opportunities for you to connect at Welcome Home. All of our ministries from Kids to Senior Adults as well as Care & Support and Groups. You’ll also have an opportunity to interact with the Bookstore, Production, Creative, Missions, and Hospitality ministries.

We want to make getting connected as easy and smooth as possible for you here at CBC. Welcome Home is a great place to hear about the opportunities for you to connect. 

We believe Community is an integral part of life as a Christ follower. At Welcome Home you'll find the Groups table where there is more information on our CBC Groups. You can also find this information at the ministry table that best fits you (Womens, Senior Adults, Next Gen, etc.) If you'd like to join a group today, please visit our communitybible.com/groups ! 

Yes! At the end of the Welcome Home registration there will be an opportunity to register any children, Birth-5th grade, for Kid's Club. Children will eat with their parents and can be checked into their Kid's Club rooms beginning at 5:45pm.