Young Adults

Join a collection of young adults committed to coming together to journey through adulthood God’s way! If you're between the ages of 25 and 35, we would love to have you connect with us.
We meet once a month for our Gatherings at 6:45 p.m at our Central Campus

Young Adult Gatherings

Save the date! Our next monthly Young Adults Gathering will be on Monday, March 17. If you or someone you know is between the ages of 25 and 35, we would love for you to join us. We are a collection of young adults committed to journeying through adulthood God’s way. Registration is not required unless you need childcare. 

Time: 6:45-8:00 pm

Where: Central Campus

Find Community

At CBC, we long to see everyone in a smaller Christ-centered group where their name and needs are known. Community groups are an excellent way to grow deeper in your relationship with God and to be known, cared for, and encouraged in a spiritual family. 

Staff & Contact

Young Adults Pastor


Young Adults Administrative Assistant

Interested in Learning more about Young Adults?

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