Breakthrough is our 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting here at CBC. From January 6th to the 26th, through Prayer and Fasting, we have the opportunity to take everyday things that we eat or participate in and turn them into opportunities to spend time praying to God.


Breakthrough Prayer Services
Join us at our Breakthrough Prayer Services as we pursue a deeper relationship with God through prayer. These services will take place on Wednesdays, January 8, 15, and 22, at 6:30 PM at both our Central and Southside Campuses. Childcare will be available. We look forward to seeing you!

Types of Fasts
Daniel Fast

For three weeks, Daniel, who was a prophet during a time when Israel lived in exile, abstained only from "delicacies" like meat and wine (Daniel 10:3). During this fast you will remove meats, sweets, breads, and only consume plant-based meals.

Complete Fast

A complete fast means to drink only liquids, usually water and juices.

Partial Fast

In this type of fast you will abstain from eating any food the morning or the evening. This can be for a specific set of time such as 6 am to 3 pm or from sunrise to sunset.

Item Fast

This option is great for those that don't have experience in food fasts or have health restrictions. You will fast things that can be distracting, such as, social media or television until the end of the fast and then bring these items back slowly.

Your Prayers & Breakthroughs

Prayer requests and breakthroughs will be posted daily

Daily Devotionals

Day 1 - Leviticus 25

Pastor Hutch Kufahl

Day 2 - 2 Samuel 5:20

Pastor Maurice Cox

Day 3 - Mark 2

Pastor Brandon Sanchez

Day 4 - James 5:16

Pastor Frank Kirby

Day 5 - Psalm 29:10-11

Pastor Caleb Jones

Day 6 - Psalm 130:5-6

Pastor Erin Jacquez

Day 7 - Matthew 27:50-51

Pastor Sean Metcalf

Day 8 - Romans 5:1-2

Pastor Marquise Cox

Day 9 - Luke 22:42

Pastor Brenton Butcher

Day 10 - John 12:24

Pastor Nick Henderson

Day 11 - Matthew 14:13-14

Pastor Jeff McCauley

Day 12 - Judges 6

Pastor Lloyd Blank

Day 13 - Psalm 37:4

Pastor Alex Navarette

Day 14 - 1 Corinthians 14:1

Pastor Scott Donaho

Day 15 - 2 Timothy 1:7

Pastor Slaton Teague

Day 16 - John 16:33

Pastor Brian Madtes

Day 17 - Joshua 4:21-22

Pastor Phil Vega

Day 18 - Luke 7:9

Pastor Kevin Womack

Day 19 - Joshua 6:20

Pastor Chad Sleeper

Day 20 - Matthew 18:21-35

Pastor Matt Mason

Day 21 - Isaiah 43:19

Pastor Josh Lopez